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Peter’s NGO Work In Dhaka: The Good, The Bad, & The Dog That Ate My Passport


Peter’s NGO Work In Dhaka: The Good, The Bad, & The Dog That Ate My Passport

Normally I’m not a fan of volunteer tourism. I don’t think it does much good beyond making the volunteer feel like a charitable person. But when I was planning my trip to Dhaka, I knew that it was going to be really hard to have an enriching or positive interaction with Bangladesh if I didn’t find some sort of something to plug in with.

What I found was JAAGO. 


Peter's Q&A With Former Viet Cong Spies


Peter's Q&A With Former Viet Cong Spies

During one of my rainy days in Sa Pa, one of the hostel workers told me about an organization that had just been initiated that allowed foreigners the chance to have a question and answer session with former Viet Cong soldiers, and interact with children who were growing up with disabilities caused by Agent Orange. I was beyond excited to hear that such an organization existed. This was going to be the real deal. 


Monks On Motorbikes: Peter In Siem Reap


Monks On Motorbikes: Peter In Siem Reap

Going to Cambodia is a lot like going to a strip club – you better arrive with a fat stack of ones. Trip Advisor ranked Siem Reap as the #1 destination in Asia last year. The Khmer new year was just 2 weeks ago and Siem Reap apparently received roughly 300,000 international visitors in addition to 1,000,000 domestic visitors (in that week alone) who all came to take part in the giant party that was being held in Angkor Wat and the surrounding temple complexes.
